Language Barriers and Green Tapioca-7/26/09

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. There is
a distinct green hue to the tapioca pearls in the
dessert picture on your right. Tonight I made the Fruit on the Bottom Tapioca Pudding on page
45 of July's Gourmet magazine. I learned several
months ago (see blog post for 2/17) that there is a vast difference between quick cooking tapioca and small pearl tapioca. So with that in mind, I looked diligently for small tapioca pearls at Super H Mart. I found some, but they were green. I couldn't find any other item labeled small pearl tapioca. While checking out, I double checked with our favorite cashier, who adores Eyrleigh and speaks to her enthusiastically in Korean every time we see her. Her English is limited but I'm pretty sure she knew what I was asking and she said the only other color was purple. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but I thought green tapioca made this dessert looked a bit festive, maybe a bit of Christmas in July. It is the 26th after all:)!
For the meal, I made the Quick Marinated Flank Steak on page 72 and paired it with the Panfried Tofu with Romano-Bean and Herb Salad from page 57. The salad had been listed as a vegetarian main but with Richard ramping up his triathlon training, I knew tofu wasn't going to cut it. I was glad I did this because the tofu was fine, but not particularly flavorful or filling. The steak was another acceptable but not outstanding dish. I think the meat would have benefited from a longer marinade, therefore eliminating the name "Quick-Marinated". A longer marinade may also have helped soften up the flank steak as I found it a chewy cut for this recipe.

Fruit on the Bottom Tapioca Pudding-B

Quick Marinated Flank Steak-C

Panfried Tofu with Romano-Bean and Herb Salad-C


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