Month Two in Review-3/31/09
This is the second month that I have made every recipe in Gourmet magazine and I am still learning from this experience. So what did I learn this month? ... One of the things I noticed this month is that I am getting much better at the planning part of cooking. I can better gauge how long a recipe will take me to make and how to make several recipes at once without frantically spinning around the kitchen. I don't often invite guests to my house for dinner because I worry that they will arrive with me nowhere near finished cooking and the kitchen piled high with dishes. I often try to do too much and end up not doing each component of the meal well because I wasn't able to focus. The St. Patrick's Day dinner I made this month went off so well that I am feeling more confident about inviting people over. My grandmother was a great hostess and her meals always appeared to come together effortlessly. I would love to master that effect. I am also getting better at my knif...