Is Key Lime a Theme? -3/6/09
This year, the March Gourmet did not have a city theme. There is a menu of Korean dishes, an article about the Extremadura region of Spain with only one recipe, an article that extends 2 roast chickens into a week of meals, and 5 recipes with Key Limes as a main component. I think I understand why the editors moved away from the city issue. Right now, the economic recession is on everyone's minds. Travel is low on many people's priority list and saving money is high. But I would welcome the excuse to "travel" to another city through its food. Gourmet, don't try too hard to compete with other cooking magazines that are giving us recipes on the cheap! Let us escape to another place, if only in our kitchens.
With my opinion given, for what it's worth, tonight I made 2 of the Key Lime recipes. Technically, I made the Key Lime Pie yesterday but it needed to chill for 8 hours so we didn't eat it until today. My first recipe was the Steak with Chile Key Lime Sauce on page 110. Easy, easy, easy but not something to rave over. The steak was simply seasoned with salt and pepper and broiled and turned out great but the sauce was way too watery. When I poured it on the cooked steak as recommended, it all just ran off onto the rest of the plate and covered my broccoli and sweet potato as well. The flavor was not bad, an interesting mix of salty, hot and sweet, but it did not have any thickness so it ran like water off the steak and looked strange. I would have liked it to have been thickened either by heating it or adding a thickening ingredient.