A Butchery Beginner- 3/26/09
A heavy meaty main like the ribs was a great compliment to the Cocktail of the Month. The recipe for The Old Fashioned used the bourbon that I'd made dessert with last week. I've mentioned I am not a sophisticated drinker. I haven't drank bourbon more than a few times but I liked this drink. The sugar and fruits added a sweetness that cut the bite of the bitters and complimented the heat of the bourbon. It did pack a punch, though. You can see from my picture
that this drink was less than half a glass but I noticed about 10 minutes after drinking it, I felt very light headed. Bit of a lightweight in my old age!
For dessert, I made the final Key Lime dessert. I must admit I'm a bit over Key Limes, particularly juicing fresh ones. Key Limes are really tiny and I get like 3 drops of juice from each one. That's a lot of Key Limes to make a 1/2 cup of juice! I made the Key Lime Mousse on page 110. It was easy to make but there were some glitches in the recipe. The whipped cream did not fold into the pudding easily and after chilling, the mousse was almost grainy. I pushed the pudding through a sieve as recommended but there was still a strange grit to the final mousse. It tasted good but the texture was off-putting. I guess I could use some help in mousse making too, not just figuring out cuts of meat. Almost 2 months in and still much to learn!
Black-Pepper Beef Ribs-C
Cost- $44.95 (My ribs were not even close to this much. Hmmmm!)
Calories per serving-770
The Old-Fashioned-B
Cost- How much do you want to spend on bourbon?
Calories per serving-70
Key Lime Mousse-C
Calories per serving-350