The World of Food Blogs- 3/11/09
Last night I roasted two chickens as the recipe recommended so I had a roast chicken left over to shred for dinner tonight and tomorrow. I made the Cheesy Chicken and Mushroom Lasagna on page 98 of this month's Gourmet, the second recipe in the "Birds in Hand" article. This was a Bechamel lasagna, meaning the sauce was a blend of milk and roux. I've mentioned before that I'm not a huge fan of Bechamel sauce. It's often bland but in this lasagna, it worked. The dish called for Gruyere cheese instead of the traditional Mozzerella and the stronger flavored cheese worked well with the milder sauce.
It also used no-boil noodles which I've used before without much success. The Barilla brand noodles that the recipe specifically called for are short flat noodles that softened up beautifully with no precooking. Richard and I like the dish a lot but I think the cheese was a bit too strong for Eyrleigh. She had to be convinced to eat more than just a few bites and she usually loves pasta dishes.
On my original menu for the month, I didn't have a dessert planned for tonight but I decided to add a dessert recipe I had originally scheduled for later. I didn't want to load too many desserts into one week since it takes us a few nights to finish a dessert and I hate to throw food out. I saw raspberries on sale at Super H Mart yesterday so I made the Chocolate Raspberry Clafoutis on page 49. I'd never had a clafoutis and the description is accurate. It IS a cross between a custard and a cake and I'm glad it said that in the description. It didn't look cooked when I pulled it out of the oven but it was firm when I cut it after it cooled. The baked part was not overly chocolaty so the melted chocolate on top was a nice addition. The description said that cherries are the traditional fruit but the tart raspberries were excellent in my opinion. Since it's my blog, I guess that's the opinion that counts!