Marathons and Milestones-3/29/09

Today I ran a half-marathon. That's 13.1 miles to be exact. Richard ran the full marathon so I thought I could get away with using that in the title of this post since it worked better. But today I also finished the second month of my Gourmet project. I have made every recipe in March's Gourmet magazine and you know, I'm equally proud of myself for both accomplishments. They seem a bit paradoxical, one involves eating, the other exercising but in some ways, they are a perfect match. If you are active, you don't have to worry about what you eat being a hinderance to your health. I've told you in previous posts that some of the recipes in this month's Gourmet were no where near lowfat but I can also proudly tell you that I have not gained a pound in the 2 months my diet has consisted mainly of Gourmet recipes.
For my final 2 recipes, I made quick recipes that took little effort, important after running 13+ miles in a day. I made the Ancho and Cocoa Carne Asada on page 52 and the Key Lime Margarita on page 110. The Carne Asade is basically steak tacos. The steak had a quick rub that was supposed to emulate mole sauce. Honestly, a quick rub could never match a good mole sauce but the flavor of the rub was good. Not very complex, but good in a taco. I really loved the idea of using coleslaw mix in place of the traditional lettuce for these tacos. I will try that again in any kind of taco, I liked the crunch of the cabbage better than lettuce. This dish was fast and perfect for a day when I was short on time and energy.
I also made the Key Lime Margaritas and not only did they go well with the Carne Asada but it was a nice little reward for a race well run. Post race Margarita, anyone?

Ancho and Cocoa Carne Asada- B
Cost- $14.99
Calories per serving- 635

Key Lime Margarita-B
Cost-How much do you want to spend on Tequila?
Calories per serving- 200


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