Lots of Dishes -3/25/09

When I began the project of making all the recipes in each month's Gourmet magazine, there was one thing I'm glad I didn't think about or I may never have done this. Doing the dishes! The average "quick" meal uses only one pot, maybe a bowl, but no more. The recipes in Gourmet often use several pots and if I am making more than one recipe, these pots and bowls can add up quickly. The picture at right is the remains of one of these dinner's dishes. After I made the Korean menu several weeks ago, it took me two days to get all the dishes through the dishwasher. I must admit, I am getting very sick of doing lots of dishes every night but some nights I get a break. Thankfully, tonight was one of those nights so I had the patience to write about doing dishes objectively.
I made two recipes from this month's Gourmet. The first recipe was the recipe for Provencal Chicken and Tomato Roast on page 51. This recipe was quite simple to make. There was minimal chopping and other than turning over the chicken and putting on the second round of vegetables, it wasn't much work at all. The chicken was perfectly cooked in the time given and the skin was crispy and lightly salted. The vegetables were soft and the flavors worked well together. Eyrleigh couldn't get enough of the Kalamata olives.
I also made the Tomatoey Spiced Chickpeas on page 47. The spices smelled wonderful while cooking and the chickpeas and tomatoes were coated with the spiced oil . The dish had a very Mediterranean flavor and worked well with the chicken. I've mentioned before that I didn't really like chickpeas as a kid but since making the Gourmet recipes for the month, I've found some great chickpea recipes. This recipe is more a side dish than a main in my opinion but on couscous, it would be a good vegetarian dish. Oh, and if I'd served the chickpeas still in the skillet, I'd have one less dish to wash! What was I thinking?

Provencal Chicken and Tomato Roast-B+
Cost- $8.05
Calories per serving- 358

Tomatoey Spiced Chickpeas-B


Calories per serving-337


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