Me? Make Breakfast? - 3/22/09

Little secret. I am not a morning person. I frequently forget to put grounds in the coffee maker before turning it on. I often reach in the fridge to get the milk for cereal and take out the applesauce. But for today's recipe, I had to make breakfast, not just pour cereal, but make breakfast! The recipe for Bridge Creek Heavenly Hots on page 26 of this month's Gourmet did not instill confidence in my morning cooking abilities. The batter for these silver dollar pancakes was the consistency of cream and ran thinly over the griddle. Richard was sure I had done something wrong in mixing the batter but after reading the ingredients, he agreed that the recipe was too runny. As you can see from my picture, my pancakes look like mini-crepes, not like the pillowy pancakes in the picture supplied in the magazine. Later, we added a bit more flour and got the fluffy pancakes most people are used to. I don't know if the recipe was wrong but with 4 eggs and 2 cups of sour cream and less than a 1/2 cup of dry ingredients, it makes sense that this recipe seemed more liquid than batter. The flavor was more like a crepe than a pancake as well. Eyrleigh loves pancakes and she loved these too. I thought they were fine either way but much easier to make with a little more flour. But what do I know, I may have still been sleeping.

Bridge Creek Heavenly Hots- C
Total Cost-$2.92


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