Isn't It Ironic.. Don't You Think-5/10/10

When I started posting to my blog about tonight's meal, I noticed that several of the visits on the live traffic feed were from Curious, I jumped over to to see how someone got to my blog from there. Sure enough, just one click off the homepage of Bon Appetit, my blog is quoted and linked to. Fifteen months after I start this blog and 5 posts after I decide to switch up my cooking magazine from Bon Appetit to another magazine for the month, Bon Appetit puts me on their blog list. Alanis Morissette would be proud. Ah well, hopefully Bon Appetit is not like our local grocery store competitors. A Publix employee literally whispered "Kroger" when I told her Eyrleigh could tell the difference between grocery stores because of free cookies. She looked around surreptitiously as if someone would fire her if they heard her even mention the name of the "other" grocery store.
Tonight's meal was from Food and Wine and in all likelihood I'll stick with my plan to finish out this month with Food and Wine. It was kind of nice to see my blog on, though. My pictures didn't look half bad next to the others.
It's just nice to know someone found what you had to say interesting enough to share it with a national audience.

Tonight's meal was from Food and Wine and in all likelihood I'll stick with my plan to finish out this month with Food and Wine. It was kind of nice to see my blog on, though. My pictures didn't look half bad next to the others.
It's just nice to know someone found what you had to say interesting enough to share it with a national audience.
I didn't intend to make a vegetarian meal but tonight's meal was all veg. I made the Smoky Ribollita, basically a minestrone soup, on page 57. This soup was a good version of the traditional Italian soup. The white beans added a meaty depth to the soup and the smoky paprika gave extra spice to the veggies. It didn't take long to make and the chopping was managable.
I also made the Farfalle with Spring Vegetables to fill out the meal. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan. This dish was pretty flat. The veggies were good, especially the peas but some cheese, probably a Parmesan or Romano would have really helped. Cooking water is not sauce in my book. The bread made strange "croutons" for the pasta that added crunch but didn't really blend with the pasta and vegetables.
Smoky Ribollita-B
Farfalle with Spring Vegetables-C