Hambrick's-Party of Four!-8/1/11
Despite a very upsetting November for us on a professional level, on November 9th, Richard's 34th birthday, we found out we were pregnant again for the final time. Some may ask how we knew this would be the final time...we knew. We had decided after the last miscarriage that we would try until the end of 2010 to have another child and if we were not pregnant or had another pregnancy loss, Richard would have surgery to make sure we were done. The stress involved in the process was not something we wanted to feel indefinately. So less than 2 months from our deadline, we began to think that Baby #2 might actually happen.
I tell all this not to say I didn't cook at all for over 11 months but to show that life began to take on a higher level of intensity and creative cooking, and therefore the blog, faded into the background. I actually looked back at my calendar for August 24th of last year and that day was the Back to School Fair for Eyrleigh's preschool. I was a room mom in Eyrleigh's class and even subbed a few times at the preschool. I really miss the creative aspects of teaching and the adult interaction of work. It was on a much lesser scale but I loved being on the "mom" side of school.
On July 8th, Rylynn Candace Hambrick was born and after several weeks of family in town and numerous meals brought by friends (some are still coming!), Saturday night was the first night we really got creative again and I was reminded of my delinquency in regards to this blog. I say "we" because the initial inspiration was Richard's. He mentioned that he felt like shrimp po'boys. At first, I was nonplussed but when he did the legwork, downloaded a recipe, and headed to the store with a list, I was getting excited. Richard actually found his recipe on the The Food Network site at this url http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/aarti-sequeira/shrimp-and-pineapple-not-so-po-boys-recipe/index.html .
Working together (Richard said I hijacked his recipe) with a little help from Eyrleigh, we made the pineapple relish and fried up the shrimp in cornmeal. The pineapple relish is delicious. I kept just taking spoonfuls by itself. The spices don't overwhelm the sweet but cut it perfectly. Richard fried the shrimp in cornmeal and cajun spices, Eyrleigh's got just cornmeal as she is still a bit whimpy when it comes to heat. These po'boys sure were messy but they were excellent and easy to make. I paired them with a simple pasta salad I lived on when I was pregnant. It's a bit bland but made a good compliment to the flavor packed sandwiches.Shrimp and Pineapple Not So Po'Boy Sandwich (foodnetwork.com)- A