No Fooling!-4/1/10

In some cruel April Fool joke, I let my subscription to Bon Appetit run out. I remember several years ago getting hounded by Conde Nast Publications almost daily to renew my subscription. For some reason, they didn't even send me a renewal offer this time. I had to go out today and buy my Bon Appetit at the store so I could begin my April recipes. Since I was a bit late getting my April issue, I didn't have time to plan out this month's recipes. Tonight I picked a quick one dish meal that could feed my parents, Richard, Eyrleigh, and I.
I've loved paella since I spent the summer of 1992 in Barcelona. The quick version on page 89 of this month's Bon Appetit did not have the same complexity as the classic Spanish version filled with shellfish and sausage but it was good for a weeknight. The chicken thighs were flavorful baked in the rice and the chorizo added a spicy component without overpowering. My only complaint was the size of the peas. They were just too big and sat awkwardly in the rice mixture. I didn't find the mild flavor a good compliment either. Diced green and red peppers may have been a better match.
I tried to make the quickest dessert in the whole issue,, the White-Chocolate Dipped Strawberries with Citrus Sugar on page 50, and was pretty unsuccessful. Word to the wise: Don't use white chocolate chips in place of white baking chocolate. Whatever quality makes the chips hold their shape while baking also prevents the chips from melting well. You see the results above. I compensated by simply putting the citrus sugar on the strawberries and then whipping some cream to put on top. I crumbled the smashed white chocolate over the whipped cream and strawberries. If I do say so, this joke of a dessert was pretty good.
Quick Chicken Paella with Sugar Snap Peas-B
White-Chocolate Dipped Stawberries with Citrus Sugar-B+


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