In the doctor's office yesterday, I randomly picked up an old copy of some Martha Stewart magazine. Suffice it to say, it was from September so it had been sitting in that office for awhile. At the
beginning of the magazine was a short column that ostensibly was Martha's actual calendar for the month. Out of
curiosity I read the entries. Yoga with Michael, I could believe. Laundering and storing away the summer weight blankets sounded like a totally Martha thing to do. But wipe down trim and baseboards, I ain't buying! There is no way Martha Stewart actually wipes down the trim and baseboards in her numerous homes. Pays someone else to do it, maybe, but Martha hasn't done that in years, if ever. Believe me, I like looking through cooking, gardening, and home design magazines as much as the next girl but not one of the meals,

gardens, or homes featured in these magazines are the product of one very creative and extremely neat person. It's just not realistic. Martha Stewart has a team of people that do this stuff for her. So please, don't try to
deceive the hard working average woman who by herself is trying to feed her family, take care of her yard, and clean her house into thinking Martha Stewart or any other icon of
domesticity is some isolated
Superwoman. That's just cruel.
I'm just amazed I finished dinner and a film crew visiting my house would have been vastly disappointed. I watched my friend's daughter, Joanie, and added a cute picture of her enjoying dinner. Let's just not guess what it looked like under her chair when she was done. Martha would not have approved.
Tonight's dinner was a big hit with the under-3 set but the adults really like it too. I made the Eggplant Parmesan Rolls with Swiss Chard and Fresh Mint on page 73 of this month's Bon Appetit. The best part of this dish was that it was totally vegetarian but you didn't even notice. The eggplant was meaty and the robust tomato sauce gave you flavor galour.

I was a bit nervous that the chard would be to gritty for the girls but baked up in creamy ricotta, you hardly noticed the rougher texture of the chard. This was a great dish.
Dessert was actually more popular with the little ones than the adults. The Chocolate, Almond, and Banana Parfaits were a bit too rich for my style. I got through the first layer but had no desire to eat the second. The chocolate sauce was the kicker. I'd made the angel food cake from a mix and it was good but just too much. Eyrleigh and Joanie didn't get through their desserts either but they sure loved every bite.
Eggplant Parmesan Rolls with Swiss Chard and Fresh Mint-A-Chocolate, Almond, and Banana Parfaits-B-