Photography School, Here She Comes-2/11/10

I read an article a few months back about the rise of "helicopter" parenting. These parents hover over their children, never allowing them to experiment and learn because of a paralyzing fear that their children may fail. These parents often over involve these children in activities of their own choosing, ignoring the personal desires and innate gifts of their child. One of my greatest hopes as a parent is to never do that to my daughter. So it is with a sense of humor that I show off my 2-year old's first attempt at photographic greatness. She loves to play with the camera and though the batteries die on an almost daily basis, I let her. She's never pushed hard enough on the button before but today she took the above picture and another close up of her teeth. I thought I'd spare us that picture.

Tonight's meal made up for the fatty pork ribs and chocolate cake of last night. I made the Barley Soup with Greens, Fennel, Lemon, and Dill, a soup I nicknamed the "Super Food" soup. An impressive amount of the ingredients in this soup are listed as super foods, high in antioxidants and low in calories. Despite this promise, this soup was pretty bland flavor wise. The feta cheese helped give a bit of zip but the overwhelming amount of greens made the soup a bit "grassy". Eyrleigh was not a fan, as anything leafy and green classifies as salad and is quickly removed from her plate. Oh well, maybe she is not perfect.
Soup alone makes a rather thin meal so I also made the Cheddar, Bacon, and Fresh Chive Biscuits from this month's Bon Appetit. These biscuits were very good and baked up beautifully. The three added ingredients blended in well and made these a good biscuit for breakfast as well with a little ham or gravy.

Barley Soup with Greens, Fennel, Lemon, and Dill-C
Cheddar, Bacon, and Fresh Chive Biscuits-A


SLW said…
I would love to play photography with her...she shows such great promise (that is if that is what SHE wants to do :) )

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