Dropped Off the Map-11/23/09

If you are looked at this blog anytime in the last month and a half, you might have thought that the Cooking Mag Mommy had gone missing. Well, I'm not missing but the cooking part is. My last post mentioned the closing of the very cooking magazine I had based the last 9 months of this blog on. It was not profound sadness over the loss of Gourmet that caused this absence. It was a much bigger change, at least for my family. I found out in late September that I was pregnant and by the second week of October, I had stopped cooking. In fact, for a few weeks, I stopped walking into the kitchen if I didn't have to. Mashed potatoes and other starches were pretty much my diet. I just didn't feel good and making food, even food I traditionally love, was not going to happen. I am happy to be able to write this post today. I've not always been lucky in pregnancy and at almost 15 weeks along, I am beginning to really believe that this time we'll get another beautiful baby. I even found out last week that this one is a little boy. I'll still use this blog to write about cooking but I don't think the frequency will be there, at least for awhile. Thanks to my friends who read this and are cheering for our family all the way! I love you all!


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