Paying the Man-4/15/10

Richard and I got our tax return in early February. I've never waited until April to do my tax return, never mind the 15th. I wouldn't be completely honest if I said I never procrastinated on anything. A few college papers were slipped under a professor's door just a few minutes before 5:00. It's just that I've almost always gotten a tax return so I look forward getting a few extra dollars, the sooner, the better. So tonight's dinner had nothing to do with taxes or running to the mail. Thank goodness for that!
Tonight, I made another recipe from Bon Appetit's "Spring's Big 3" article, a collection of recipes using asparagus, peas, and artichokes. The Lasagna with Asparagus, Leeks, and Morels was a vegetarian lasagna with a cream sauce base. I've not always been happy with cooking magazines non-traditional variations on lasagna but this recipe passed the test. The cream sauce was thick and the meaty mushrooms gave depth to the dish. I really like this lasagna. My only frustration was trying to find little dishes to make "individual" portions as the recipe called for. I would have appreciated a note at the bottom of the recipe that adapted cook times for a one-pan version of this lasagna. I have very little use for 2-cup baking dishes so I don't have a set of 4 and had to adapt with 2 small dishes and 1 other a bit larger.
I'd made several rather large cakes lately so I choose a lighter dessert to accompany tonight's dinner. The Coffee Granita with Cardamom Whipped Cream on page 53 was a simple, light dessert with great flavor. I love coffee ice cream so I was excited about this recipe. Just sugar, water, and some espresso powder! How easy is that! It tasted just like you would expect, frozen coffee with whipped cream. That's how Starbucks has made their millions and I paid way less than $4.25. This is a great simple dessert for a night with friends. I wouldn't recommend it for the under 10 set, unless you are planning an all-nighter.
Lasagna with Asparagus, Leeks, and Morels-A-
Coffee Granita with Cardamom Whipped Cream-A


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