Hambrick's-Party of Four!-8/1/11
On August 24th of last year, I wrote a innocuous little post on this blog about my husband being a good sport about my creative culinary exploits. And then....nothing....for over 11 months. What happened, you may ask? Well, the picture at left tells a rather significant part of the story but not the whole thing so I'll try to summarize here in case another 11 months go by before I post again. (Okay, I will seriously try not to do that!) The year 2010 started off on the wrong foot with the loss of our fourth pregnancy (Thankfully, pregnancy #2 had resulted in Eyrleigh!) at 18 weeks. We were still reeling from the devastation of that event when my only sibling, my brother Ben, committed suicide at the end of February. Then in April, Richard's company hired a new CEO and things professionally went south from there for him. Since a blog is a public format and could therefor be accessed by anyone, including this individual, let me suf...