Baby Food Goes Luxe-4/20/09

Eyrleigh is almost a year and 1/2 and she still has not crossed over the 20 pound mark. I put some 18-24 month size pants on her yesterday and she looked like she was doing an ad for NutriSystem. She's a thin little one and though she is certainly not unhealthy, it wouldn't bother me a bit if she put on a little weight. The Gourmet dish I made tonight could go a long way toward fattening her up.
Tonight I made the Creamy Cheese Tortellini with Asparagus on page 62 in this month's Gourmet. This was a very simple dish, using packaged tortellini to save time. The sauce was a base of chicken broth, cream, and cheese and it took less than 20 minutes to make. It was a definite keeper for the weeknight repertoire. The sauce coated well and the asparagus was fresh and perfectly cooked... and Eyrleigh loved it!

Creamy Cheese Tortellini with Asparagus- A-
Calories per serving-585


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