Quick Cooking and Sick Babies-4/30/09
It hasn't happened often but Eyrleigh got sick today. I'm hoping it just a product of her emerging eye teeth but either way, she was not feeling good this evening. She had that bleary eyed look through dinner but did manage to eat quite a bit of rice and end her meal with her favorite dessert, an ice cream cone. I didn't even start dinner until Richard got home from work after 4:00 so it was wonderful to have a dinner and appetizer that could be made quickly. I've mentioned in earlier posts that Gourmet has a section geared toward quick weekday meals. I looked back in some of my old Gourmets, going back to 2003, to see if this section had been as large. I didn't remember it being a focus but then again, I wasn't making every recipe and getting to know the magazine as well. Sure enough, there was a section with the same name with only one fewer recipe. Quick cooking has been a focus of Gourmet for a long time, they just don't emphasize it like some cooking m...