Eyrleigh's Fall Nature Party

A few days ago, I blogged about Rylynn's birthday party...in July! In keeping with the catching up theme, I'm blogging today about Eyrleigh's birthday...in November....in, you guessed it, February. Oh, well! This past August, our family traveled to Glacier National Park in Montana and during that trip I decided Eyrleigh's party was going to incorporate hiking somehow! I wanted a party idea that was fun for both boys and girls as many of Eyrleigh's good friends are little boys. We have been super lucky with great weather for her birthday every year and I was counting on that this year. One of the county parks near us has a mixed paved and dirt wooded trail system and I knew it would be perfect for a hiking themed party. I sprang the $100+ to reserve the pavilion to guarantee I had the space to myself and in the event of rain. I love tinyprints.com and changed out the words in this Thanksgiving dinner invitation to fit what we needed. ...