He Even Eats Sardines-8/24/10

My husband is a really good sport. I was reminded on several occasions this week how many spouses, husbands in particular, would take no part in the experiment I've been blogging about for over a year and a half. Some friends came to eat last week and the wife made a point to tell me her husband did not eat vegetables. He's a great guy but I'm really glad I'm not married to him. I couldn't handle a picky eater. And I'm 100% sure a picky eater could not handle me! Another friend, after I told her what we were having for dinner, asked very incredulously if Richard would eat that. Tonight I think I found Richard's least favorite food. It's sardines. I had to eat them as a kid so though I don't love them, I can eat them. Richard took one bite of the sardine spread and asked what I had made him eat. The recipe for Grilled Monterey Sardines with Lemon and Herbs in the To Bi...