Yes, I Can Cook on Weekends!-5/22/10

I don't usually cook on the weekends, at least recipes from magazines. This weekend I was inspired or maybe just hungry. I even woke up early enough on Saturday to make muffins. Richard makes fun of my total lack of productivity most mornings so this was quite a feat. The Chocolate Chip and Banana Muffins in this month's Food and Wine were worth waking up for. They were basically a moist yummy banana bread with chips wrapped up in a muffin paper. They did not take an hour to make, even though the recipe said that. This weekend also began the culinary tour of North Africa, with a heavy dose of Moroccan food. The Chicken Chorba with Walnuts from the "Why French Women Don't Stay Fat" article was really simple and really good. As you can see from my picture I paired this dish with couscous and raisins, one of my all time favorite sides. Chicken thighs were a great choice for this dish because the richer tasting dark meat st...