My Month of Gourmet In Review- 2/28/09

When I began the project of making all the recipes in the February 2009 Gourmet magazine, I knew what I wanted to do. Now at the end of the month and with the project successfully completed, I can better answer why I did it and what I learned. First, I love being a stay at home mom. I get to spend every moment with my daughter, watch all her steps, hear all her words, and savor the all the messes she makes (See right). But I do miss the daily purpose that teaching gave to my life. I had a goal each day, a lesson to teach, a concept to help children understand. Being a parent has some of those same ideas but they are often less concrete and rarely accomplished in a day, a month, or a year. I missed the sense of daily accomplishment that starting and finishing a task provided. This month of Gourmet project allowed me to see daily purpose and accomplishment. I had a goal, a goal that matched well with, and did not take time from, my job as a mom. I could spend time each day reaching the ...